The Evolution of Crafty Victoria

Welcome to my new blog!

I am so excited to share with you all everything that has been going on with Crafty Victoria and everything that will happen in the future!

Life has been getting better by the minute and I have been more inspired than ever to charge forward with what I want Crafty Victoria to become.

For a long time, I was just crocheting or knitting things per request and selling them, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But, that gets tiring after a while.

Having that kind of pressure on you can be daunting and just plain old exhausting. So, I took a LONG  break. And now I’m back.

After much thinking and planning and partnership, I’ve decided that I want to make what I want to make. And I want it to be vintage-inspired. I want to create patterns and share them with my fellow crochet creators. And I want it to be JUST crochet.

Why vintage? Because my great-grandma crocheted, and I want her art and creativity to live on.

And so, Crafty Victoria Crochet was born. Vintage crochet with a modern twist.

My next post will be a FREE pattern for an adorable summer hairkerchief!

Until next time!



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