Firecracker Tote Bag

Instasize_0630095604Hey everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you’ve all had an amazing week!

Typically I like to post twice a week, but among decluttering and life, I didn’t get to! Anyway, I’ve been working on an awesome new pattern that I will be posting for sale on my Ravelry store soon! YAY!

I have a few patterns I have been working on, but with Independence Day around the corner I decided it would be the perfect time to release a pattern for a perfect and super simple little shoulder tote!

I love this bag because it is a perfect first ‘big’ project for crochet beginners,  can easily be adjusted to be larger or smaller, and it is easily color-customizable. As for my colors, I was clearly inspired by a Firecracker Popsicle, which were my absolute favorite as a child!

The Firecracker Tote Bag pattern is now available on Ravelry . I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!!!



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